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Remenski announced she is filing criminal charges against Dime Spasov

The Minister of Labour and Social Policy from the SDSM Frosina Remenski announced that she would file criminal charges for reckless conduct against the...

The “Student Plenum” have again blocked the Rectory at UCAM, the Rector has promised them a meeting

Because the requirements were not considered of "Student plenum" in the period that its officials asked students today again blocked the entrance of the...

The session for appeal has been postponed for the case “Spijun”

The session at the Court of Appeals in the case "Spijun" has been postponed again today. The reason for the postponement officially, is that...

Public Prosecutors will receive a higher salary for overtime and work on national holidays

Public Prosecutors and Judges will receive a higher salary for overtime and work on national holidays with an increase of 35 to 50 percent. This was...

The Vatican recognizes the miracles of Mother Teresa

Pope Francis signed the decision on the recognition of miracles attributed to her Mother Theresa, and which is necessary for it to be declared...

Political parties have a deadline until Monday to propose solutions regarding the media

Today working groups will not be having a meeting regarding the media. On the proposal of the Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte, political parties should...

To buy a bus ticket from the driver, it will now cost 60 denars says JSP

From January 1 next year 2016, if you want to buy a ticket directly from the bus driver on Skopje's Public Transport JSP you...

Gordana Jankulovska received a PhD in the Science of Security

The former Interior Minister Gordana Januloska received a PhD in the field of security. She did her doctoral at the Security Faculty in Skopje...

SDSM won’t give the wiretapped materials to Janeva until safe storage conditions are provided

The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) will not hand over the illegal material from the interception of communications to the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva...

Zoran Zaev, Nikola Gruevski, Kiril Bozinovski, Aleksander Verushevski and Branko Palifrov are the next witnesses to testify in-front...

Zoran Zaev, Nikola Gruevski, Kiril Bozinovski, Aleksander Verushevski and Branko Palifrov are the next witnesses members of the Inquiry Commission on the wire-tapping scandal...

Members of the Inquiry Committee argue again, Stavreski will not testify

At today's session at the Inquiry Commission over the wire-tapping scandal, where the Minister of Finances, Zoran Stavreski was meant to testify, was stopped Committee...

The government will subsidize homes because more children will be born in them

"Buying a House for the Youth" is a new project that the Government will start from February 1, 2016, which at today's press conference...

Gruevski: I will step down when the time comes in line with the legal deadline

The date for the withdrawal of the post of Prime Minister will be when the time comes in line with the legal deadline. This...

Basic Court Skopje approves the charges for “Divo Naselje”

The Basic Court Skopje 1 approved of the indictment for participating in a terrorist organization and terrorism for the 29 accused in the case...

SDSM: New fee for companies from 60 euros

The opposition SDSM accused the government of introducing a new fee of 60 euros which companies will have to pay every year. “Was it not...

Poposki – Kotzias: We will have to cross mountains to resolve the name dispute

The differences in the red lines over the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece remain, but both countries have decided to focus on cooperation...

Finance Minister Stavreski is to give his testimony to the Inquiry Committee today

Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, today at 14.30 am is supposed to testify before the Inquiry Committee on the wire-tapping scandal. It is expected that the...

The name issue and the refugee crisis will be our main focus in the meeting with Kotzias – Poposki

The name dispute and the refugee crisis will be the top of the agenda at today's meeting between Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and...

Spasovski: From the one million refugees who have come to Europe, 620,000 have passed through Macedonia

The humane approach to people who are fleeing war must be our imperative, but at the same time, there can be no compromise when...

Hate speech graffiti was painted over in the playground at “Johan Heinirch Pestaloci” primary school

A parent of a child attending primary school "Johan Heinrich Pestaloci" in Skopje got in touch with school authorities because of the graffiti he...