
Nikos Kotzias is asking for better conditions for substantive dialogue from Macedonia


Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has appealed to the Macedonian Government to show better conditions for meaningful dialogue and the genuine ability to compromise.

In a Christmas interview with the Greek newspaper “Agora”, when asked the question what will the Greek government do the Macedonian side requests accession into international organizations under its provisional name, the Greek Minister clearly stated that Macedonia should adhere to the Interim Agreement.

“The neighbouring country should finally meet the terms of the Interim Agreement of 1995. They should contribute to resolving the name dispute with courage, consistency, and a greater mood for substantive dialogue and to show a cultured and honest compromise”, said Kotzias.

According to the Greek Minister, our country has to decide what is a priority when it wants to join international organizations, regional security or irredentist tendencies.

“Is it important for the security and stability of the region, or is it a priority for them to continue with their historical mistake and to continue provoking irredentism?” Kotzias added.

A week ago, in a friendly climate in Athens, he met with Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Popovski.

However, the strengthening of the members of Frontex in Greece, Kotzias says they will not allow at any moment Frontex to act independently in the country without obtaining permission from Greece as they are a member of the European Union.

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