33 Phds have been reported as unemployed in the Employment Agency, shows the statistics for October. This is the highest number of unemployed persons holding this rank. Apart from that, there are unemployed 866 masters including 11.000 persons with high education.
The highest numbers go to masters of legal matters, masters of economic sciences, masters of pharmacy, pasters of political sciences, masters of finances and financial law, master of philology, masters of international relations, masters of sciences in public administration, masters of European studies of integration and communication, including masters of sciences from other educational profiles i.e. areas that the persons had their masters.
In 2008 there were only 7 unemployed Phds , and in 2018 – 33 Phds
In 2008 there were only 191 unemployed masters, and in 2018 – 866 masters
In 2008 there were only 18.248 unemployed persons with higher education, while in 2018 – 10.952
The unemployed PHds are Phds in pedagogy, social affairs, policital sciences, economic sciences, phylosophy including philological sciences.
To persons holding higher titles are offered jobs through various programs for employment, but mostly they refuse because they think that the offered is not convenient for their education.
The number of uneducated persons holding titles is continuously on the rise. The reason for that is because, through the years, higher education has become more accessible, and the criteria for entrance have deteriorated, and the faculties have become more passable.