For the Liberal Party (LP) the initiative for terminating the obligation to for part-time workers and per-job contractors to pay contributions is welcome, but at the same time, they say that the moment in which this decision was made is implying that there are hidden, political, intentions on the part of the Government. The reaction coming from the LP also states that the decision to revoke the law hints that the Government is economically disoriented.
“All questions and demands regarding this law fell on deaf ears al this time- the protests, the proposals by part-time workers, proposals by the LP and the by public. Now, only six months after the law was voted, the Government decides to revoke it in the Assembly, without explanation, without arguments,” says in the announcement by the LP.
The party points to the fact that the rebalancing of the budget means an increase of funds at the Government’s disposal, and simultaneously, the Government is bringing acts that are reducing the influx of money in the budget. According to the LP this demands two questions: Will there be new sources to finance the void left by the decrease of funds in the budget and are the contributions and various fines going to change right after the elections in April 2016.