
Ivanov with Haindl: Macedonia must have functioning state institutions


President Gjorge Ivanov and the special envoy sent from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Johannes Haindl, at today’s meeting discussed the current political developments and exchanged views on “opportunities and ways to overcome the challenges of the political scene in the country,” said a statement from Ivanov’s cabinet about the meeting.

“Both agreed that is necessary that the country has functioning state institutions which will be professional, timely and effective in dealing with threats and prevention. In this context, the interlocutors stressed that all political factors should show responsibility, constructive and high regard for the interests of citizens and the state”, said the statement said

Ivanov’s cabinet added that the President at the meeting said as before, and in the future “will only act under the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Macedonia and solely in the interest of the state and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia”.

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