Water cannons arrived, police suppresses protesters with shields


For several hours, a large group of citizens, revolted by the cover-up of the murder of Martin Neshkovski, protested in front of the Government shouting “Murderers”, “Enough silence,” “Who are you defending”, “We are not little men”, “Come out Nikola”, “No to Sasho – yes to peace”, “Resignation” and “You’ll be held responsible”.

As the reporter of META corresponded, there was a confrontation with the police when protesters began pounding on the shields.

Our reporter says that water cannons were also brought. The crowd sat on the traffic lanes, and the police, which are present in large numbers, surrounded them from all sides.

Meanwhile, there were serious clashes with the police, which pushed protesters with shields, who, on the other hand, is trying to suppress them toward the Government in waves.

Protesters lowered the flags in front of the Government at half-mast and threw eggs, apples and water balloons and broke two windows on the ground floor of the building.

At the beginning, protesters briefly broke the police cordon and directed towards the Government.

The mother and brother of Neshkovski were in the group that tried to enter the building.

The protest was joined by the members of the plenums.

Groups with Albanian flag also appeared. They tied the Albanian with the Macedonian flag.

There are no announcements how long the protest would last, and participants are shouting “We’re not leaving”.

Special police units blocked the entrance to the Government in order for the group of protesters to be prevented to go inside.

Audio recordings from today’s “bomb” dedicated to his murder were played at the protest.

More and more citizens are gathering in front of the Government and additional police forces also arrived at the protest.

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