No political party blocked the government’s reshuffle, said Prime Minister Zaev, according to whom, everyone wants cooperation. The prime minister confirmed that he had a meeting with both BESA and DPA leaders led by Menduh Thaci yesterday.
“Today there will be additional communication. I want to finish with this issue in the coming days. Everyone is waiting on the proposals that come from me as prime minister. Accordingly, the political parties will then give their views on the matter. If we manage to put forward the proposals for taking responsibility in certain departments, public institutions, etc., political parties will need several days to make the decisions on their bodies and departments. I hope that if not all parties, we will succeed with some of the parties. There have been no obstructions from anyone”, Zaev said.
He says that the attitudes of coalition partners in the government are generally positive, and the goal is to increase the parliamentary majority.
Regarding the meetings between Dimitrov and Kotzias, Prime Minister Zaev says that at every meeting there is new creativity which brings closer the differences that exist between Macedonia and Greece.
“Sometimes it takes big steps, and sometimes it takes micro steps to get rid of the differences that exist. I hope that each meeting helps”, says Zaev.