“The Republic of Northern Macedonia” has been translated into all languages, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev confirmed at a press conference this afternoon as a solution to the dispute with Greece.
According to Zaev, Macedonian language, Macedonia is protected and strengthened “once and for all”.
“A name that is dignified, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, translated in all languages for overall use, is specified with an amendment to the Constitution, confirmation of the Macedonian language, Macedonian without a footnote, the nationality is Macedonian / citizens of Northern Macedonia”, Zaev said.He called for national unity and announced that the agreement will go to a referendum in the fall and then ratification in parliament.
“We have come to a historic centuries-old solution, and by resolving the dispute, we are building a friendship with Greece, which has never been greater. In our hands is the key to opening the European perspective. We are resolving two and a half decades of dispute which was pulling our country down. With the solution we strengthen the Macedonian identity. There is no FYROM anymore. We are recognized from the Republic of Greece. Our profit is priceless, a guarantee of security and a strengthened identity. The Republic of Northern Macedonia is envisaged to be for overall use, “Zaev said at press conference.
First, the agreement will be presented to all, and then signed by the representatives of the two governments.
“Following are letters from the Greek government to the EU and NATO that there is no name dispute and that there are no obstacles to NATO membership and a recommendation to start accession negotiations. We believe that in June we will start negotiations with the EU, and in July we will receive an invitation for full membership.
In the autumn, a referendum follows, on which citizens decide on the future. Citizens will be part of the future, let’s say yes to the Macedonian future.
After the referendum, Greece will ratify the agreement and protocol for NATO membership by the end of the year, “the prime minister said.