SDSM’s President, Zoran Zaev said all people must adhere to all measures and recommendations in order to protect from the virus outbreak and in that direction we are asking the forthcoming parliamentary elections set for the 12th of April to be postponed.
He announced that the decision to postpone the elections was made last night. This will be presented at the session of the Council of National Security. SDSM’s party leader said that he expects President Stevo Pendarovski will call for a leadership meeting
VMRO-DPMNE’s paty leader Hristijan Mickoski also requested on his Facebook profile, the elections to be postponed .
“What we need is responsible behavior towards the citizens and the state. There is no reason why they shouldn’t be postponed, since for me, and I believe for the rest, the fight for power at the cost of people’s lives is unacceptable” wrote Mickoski.
He considers that the elections will mean exposure of thousands of citizens and a widespread of the coronavirus. This will cause opening new hot spots for the virus.