
Tomorrow, VMRO-DPMNE will be deciding about the party’s future steps


VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader Hristijan Mickoski told the ALsat TV that the party will be holding a coordinative meeting where it will decide its future actions. Mickoski didn’t want to confirm nor to deny the information that was shared by part of the media that VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs will be returning tomorrow to the Parliament.

-Утре ќе имаме координација и ќе одлучиме кои чекори партијата ќе ги преземе во иднина. Во овој момент не можам ништо дополнително да ви кажам – вели Мицкоски.

SDSM’s General Secretary Aleksandar Kiracovski thinks that VMRO-DPMNE should return to the Parliament because the citizens expect it to do so.

-The government should be controlled constantly by the opposition, to protect the interests of the citizens and we believe that it will find the strength to overcome the inner party struggles and to return at the Parliament- said Kiracovski.

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