The Jean Monnet process has been postponed until May due to organizational reasons


The Jean Monnet process, initiated by the three MEPs Ivo Vajgl, Knut Fleckenstein and Eduard Kukan, had been postponed until May, confirmed MIA from Vajgl’s office.

The meetings between representatives of the parliamentary groups from the Macedonian Parliament and representatives from the European Parliament and EU officials should be held from the 15th to 17th of March in Ohrid, where the EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, is also expected to take part.

The office of MEP, Ivo Vajgl, points out that the meeting has been postponed for May only for organizational reasons.

Initially, MEPs initiated talks at Jean Monnet’s house in Paris and that meeting was scheduled for late January. But due to the inability of representatives from the opposition to attend, the meeting in Paris was postponed.

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