The center of Skopje lacks at least 4.000 parking lots


In the center of Skopje, there is a significant demand for parking lots compared to the capacity of the current parking spaces. In the areas that it manages, POC has noticed a lack of 4.030 parking lots.

This enterprise stated for that they are managing with 5.173 parking lots on all open and closed parking spaces. The number of active user agreements for privileged parking tickets for citizens living in the municipality of Center at the moment is 9.203

POC stress that the solving of the problem with the parking in the center of Skopje cannot be based on the drastic increase of new parking lots because the air pollution and the pollution of the environment will be increased more in the future.

-We see the solution to this problem in the improvement of the public transportation and the infrastructure of the alternative means of transportation (bikes, electric scooters) in the city of Skopje – said POC for

According to them, the increase in parking lots should be directed towards the needs of the citizens of this municipality.

According to the data provided by the State Statistical Office, in the last 5 years, the citizens of the municipality Centar have purchased over 1500 additional automobiles. By the end of 2018, the citizens of this municipality had 23145 vehicles registered. By the end of the previous year, the city had a total number of 149.484 vehicles registered.

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