Tags Зоран Китанов

Tag: Зоран Китанов

Tender for the first phase of the construction of the Skopje-Blace Motorway

The Public Enterprise for State Roads (PESR) today published the tender for the first phase of the construction of the Skopje - Blace Motorway, which covers the part from the border crossing “Blace” to the village fo Blace, in the length of 2 kilometres. The deadline for submission of the bids of the construction companies is September 4th, when...

Through the tolls we pay for the loans, interests and commissions for the motorways (video + infographic)

Despite the fact that the Macedonians have the lowest salaries in Europe, they still pay very expensive tolls. The compensation for one kilometer by car is 2,6 denars, and the adoption of the new toll price in 2014 was justified by VMRO-DPMNE, which claimed that the global economic crisis has ended and the compensation must be increased to the...

World Bank dissatisfied with the progress of construction of Rankovce- Kriva Palanka Expressway

Izvor na fotografija: Vlada na RSM
“Moderately unsatisfactory” is the grade that the World Bank gave for the progress of the implementation of the project for the construction of the Rankovce - Kriva Palanka Expressway, on Corridor 8. The World Bank, which sources the money for the project, emphasizes that the construction of the 23 kilometres long road is underway, but the progress of the works...

The tolls constitute small part of the investments – we build roads with loans (infographic)

The largest part of the finances that are invested in the road infrastructure in the country are from loans. Up to 57.4% of the money in this year's budget of the Public Enterprise for State Roads, are loans from the China Exim Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank (WB) and the European Investment...

The first 22 million euros of the Chinese loan for the motorways should be paid in July

The Chinese Exim Bank in July will request the payment of the first installment of 22 million dollars of the loan for the construction of the motorways Miladinovci- Stip and Kicevo – Ohrid. The construction of the two motorways was delayed due to the unresolved expropriation of land and mistakes in the documentation. The motorway Miladinovci-Stip was opened several days...