Tags Russian propaganda

Tag: Russian propaganda

How did the paths of Macedonian Todorovski and Russian propaganda agent Kureyev cross?

Bloomberg published recent insights from documents revealing that Russian agent Artem Kureyev led a Russian influence campaign in Europe, managing to contact the Macedonian Darko Todorovski. They agreed on a payment of 300 Euros to write articles in two publications. Their correspondence included instructions for disseminating the articles in Russian and English translations on proxy websites such as londonnewstime.com...

Russian fake news and their ban

Starting in 2022 the EU banned several Russian media outlets, then on the 17th of May 2024 another four outlets were added to this list, which is completely justified. Unfortunately, disinformation has a rich tradition in Russia, dating back to the time of the czars, continuing in the USSR, and persisting under Putin’s leadership. He has stifled media freedoms...

Emotional ties and propaganda: The Russian “Soft power” in the Balkans

Russian media Sputnik and RT (Russia Today) Balkans operating in Serbia, are used as propaganda tools by Putin’s Russia and represent Russian “soft power” in the region. This propaganda from Moscow, disseminated through the contents published by both Russian media outlets and republished by Serbian media, reaches, and is read everywhere in the Western Balkans, including in North Macedonia....

Lavrov created drama in Skopje: Instead of giving answers, he argued with journalists

Written speech and disputes with journalists comprised Sergey Lavrov’s tactics in the press conference; Photo: Meta.mk Russia turned today’s press conference of Sergei Lavrov into a propagandist theater play in the heart of Skopje, wishing to overshadow the last day and the conclusions of the OSCE Ministerial Council’s meeting. Even before the press conference of Russia’s Foreign Affairs Minister ended,...

Propaganda video to smear Biden and glorify Putin

The two contexts of Biden and Putin’s meetings with children are different. In Putin’s case, one can see that the interview and meeting were previously organized since the cameras on the video are already positioned and he is acting in accordance with the set situation. Biden’s video, on the other hand, is spontaneous, made with a mobile telephone and...

Civilians, not “military legitimate targets”, were hit in Russian missile attack of kramatorsk

The Russian missile attack of Kramatorsk was purposely executed on civilian buildings. During the attack of the pizzeria in Kramatorsk, 12 civilians were killed, and dozens injured. The fact that an American soldier was there eating does not make the building “legitimate military target”, as claimed by Russia. The post is disseminating Russian propaganda that the target of the...

Scribbled Traffic Signs on Miladinovci-Stip Motorway with Russian propaganda symbols

A dozen traffic signs and equipment on the Miladinovci-Stip motoway have been scribbled all over with pro-Russian propaganda symbols. The symbol “Z”, that glorifies Russian military invasion of Ukraine and found written on Russian military vehicles used to invade Ukraine along with “Brotherly Russia” type slogans, have recently been spray-painted on the traffic signs on the motorway, at the...

“Russia Days” in Skopje and Sofia, Bulgarian MFA Responds to Spreading Disinformation by the Russian Ambassador

The Russian embassies in Skopje and Sofia recently celebrated the National Holiday of the Russian Federation “Russia Day” by organizing receptions in both capitals thereby sending scandalous messages regarding the Russian military aggression in Ukraine. Today, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was forced to publicly respond and condemn the attempts of the Russian Ambassador, Eleonora Mitrofanova, as “unacceptable and...

Andrey Zakharov from the BBC Russian service: For 8 years, the Propaganda has been preparing people to support the war in Ukraine

Андреј Захаров
Andrey Zakharov is an investigative journalist from the Russian service of BBC. He moved from Russia in November last year, when he was being designated as foreign agent in Russia, as many other journalists. He is currently living in one European country. In an interview for Truthmeter, he speaks about the Russian propaganda and the way it spreads, the...