Tags Provisional Government

Tag: Provisional Government

Gruevski ‘mistakenly’ stated his “resignation” instead of “stepping down”

Six months after the Przhino Agreement, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski yesterday for the first time used the term "resignation" which, according to the Agreement should be submitted before January 15, when the Provisional Government should be elected, which is 100 days before the elections in April. Gruevski's vocabulary and terms have changed as the date for the election of the...

Gruevski has confirmed his resignation – he shall step down before January 15

Today, Prime Minister Gruevski announced that he would resign before January 15 in order to fulfill the Przhino Agreement. “In accordance with the agreement, on 15 January a new government will be elected with a new Prime Minister for the conduct of elections. Of course, before my resignation, VMRO-DPMNE will announce who will be President of the Provisional Government when they have decided. That...

Greece shows quiet optimism that the Provisional Government may be a favorable interlocutor for compromise

Could the potential Provisional Government in Macedonia help stir the ongoing name dispute in a positive regarding ties with Greece? The newspaper "Ethnos" reports that the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Provisional Government could make a turn of events in the negotiations over the name, and an easier way to reach a formula that would be acceptable...