Sun, 19 January, 2025
Tags Метаморфозис

Tag: Метаморфозис

Metamorphosis research: Stability Under Threat – FIMI in North Macedonia

Being a point of interest for the world’s superpowers, and a country where the best thriving element is corruption, in the past decade North Macedonia has faced significant challenges related to Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI). Although some of the main compounds are domestic, meaning poor media professionalism and political turmoil, the lack of coherent response from the...

The disinformation and media manipulations can undermine the pluralistic societies

We have seen that disinformation, misinformation and manipulations in the media can exert heavy influence on people's lives. The COVID-19 infodemic lead to conspiracy theories that are creating mistrust toward institutions. Th disinformation, misinformation and the manipulations can undermine even the most important aspects of our pluralistic societies. What can be done against this without limiting the right to...

Неправителствените организации осъждат речта на омразата, властите си затварят очите, преди нейното разпространение

Феноменът на речта на омразата през последните дни отново е във фокуса на обществеността в Северна Македония и употребата й се увеличи с началото на пандемията с коронавирусa, пише Порталб.мк. С увеличаването на броя на хората, заразени с ковид -19, пропагандната машина, която включва множество влиятелни медии с частична унгарска собственост, обвинява мюсюлманите, особено албанците и ромите като основни...

Nevladine organizacije osuđuju govor mržnje, nadležni zatvaraju oči pred njegovim širenjem

Fenomen govora mržnje poslednjih dana ponovo je u fokusu javnosti u Severnoj Makedoniji, a njegova upotreba se povećala sa početkom pandemije koronavirusa, piše Sa povećanjem broja obolelih od Kovida-19, propagandna mašinerija, čiji su deo i brojni uticajni mediji delimično u mađarskom vlasništvu, ovih dana velikim intenzitetom optužuje muslimane, posebno Albance i Rome, kao glavne nosioce koronavirusa i vinovnike...

Civic organizations condemn the hate speech while the authorities turn a blind eye on its proliferation

The hate speech phenomenon is once again the focus of the general public in North Macedonia and its use increased with the start of the coronavirus pandemic, writes With the increase of the number of people infected with COVID-19, the propaganda machinery, which consists in part of numerous influential media partially owned by Hungarian companies, these days have...

The mobile application StopKorona! is in accordance with the principle of transparency in the processing of personal data

The announced mobile application aimed at providing quick information to health authorities about the identity of the people with which the infected person has been in close proximity in the past 14 days has been developed and is available to the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia. StopKorona! is intended for detecting close contact with potentially infected persons...

Metamorphosis: Challenges for privacy protection while implementing the COVID-19 countermeasures

The measures taken for managing the COVID-19 crisis are the focus of governments, public and private enterprises, and the civil society sector around the world. Quite unexpectedly, the dynamic measures largely affect the issue of processing different categories of personal data. The laws on personal data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), are not an obstacle to...

The research about media reforms conducted by Metamorphosis shows small achievements despite high expectations

The situation with the media in the reformatory sector have been stopped midway and the media in Macedonia are facing with another entrapment like we had in the period-2015/16С due to the danger of depending on public assets. This was stated in the latest research about one of the key conditions that were set by the EU for the...

Drastic decline of attacks and threats on journalists after 2017

In the past two years, the number of cases of violation of jurnalists' rights in the country has decreased by four times. If in 2017, 20 cases such as these were registered, the Association of Journalists (AJM) has registered only 4 such incidents where one was a physical attack n a journalist and in three cases there was a...

The Strategy for Government’s transparency 2020-2021 promoted at Open institutions and Accountability conference

During the second day of the International conference " – Open Institutions and Accountability" the Strategy of the North Macedonian Ggovernment's Transparency 2020-2021 was promoted in whose preparation the foundation Metamorphosis and the Open Society -Macedonia Foundation took part in. Lidija Cvetanovik of the cabinet of the Minister without portfolio assigned for communications said that the Strategy is a product...

The two day International Conference, Open Institutions and Accountability starts tomorrow in Skopje, Macedonia

Tomorrow and day after tomorrow at the Holiday Inn hotel in Skopje, the 15th Fifteenth International Conference – Open institutions and accountability will be organized by the Metamorphosis Foundation” The Conference is the final event of the 4 year project ACTION SEE (Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in the South East Europe region) where 7 organizations from the...

Metamorphosis Foundation takes part in cybersecurity training for pupils, teaching personnel, and parents

The Ministry of Information Society and Administration, the Ministry of Education and Science, OSCE Mission in Skopje and Metamorphosis Foundation have organized a One Day training for Cybersecurity for pupils, teaching personnel, and parents. The goal of the training is to raise the awareness of risks in cyberspace, including the responsibilities of parents, educational institutions and the organs of...

Metamorphosis: The “Moj DDV” mobile application lacks a Privacy policy

The mobile application „МојДДВ“ (MojDDV) lacks Privacy policy that in a very comprehensive way would explain the measures that the Public Revenue Office - PRO is taking for the security and protection of the personal data of the citizens that is processed with the use of the application, the Metamorphosis Foundation, that analyzed the aspect of how well the...

Journalists from North Macedonia and Greece agree to fight disinformation together

The problems of disinformation and the steps to fight it was the topic of the workshop that took place on Tuesday and Wednesday in Thessaloniki, with the participation of 35 journalists, experts and NGO staff from North Macedonia and Greece. The workshop was co-hosted by the US Embassies in Greece and North Macedonia, the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC),...

Conference “Facing facts in the Balkans and beyond” held in Tirana, attended by “Metamorphosis”

Starting yesterday, until Friday, the Foundation for Society and the Internet "Metamorphosis" will be part of the international conference on the verification of facts and the fight against misinformation - disinformation, "Facing the facts in the Balkans and beyond", writes "". In the first panel discussion yesterday, attended by leading media outlets whose work is mainly based on professional reporting...

“Metamophosis”: The Direct Assignment of the Public Money to the Media Leads to Control of the Media

Within its commitments for free, independent and professional media, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society deems that the media should not be directly and financially aided by the state. The aid ought to come in other forms such as lowering the tax rates and lifting the journalist employment fees and it ought to be for the purpose of quality...

US State Department uses findings from “Metamorphosis” and “Media Reform Observatory”

Photo by tom.arthur via flikr, CC BY-NC-SA.
The US State Department in its latest Human Rights Report cites the findings obtained from the periodic report on the status of media reforms that was developed within the framework of the "Media Reform Observatory" project implemented by the Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis", "Agora" and the Platform for Investigative Journalism and Analysis (PINA), "Prepared by Metamorphosis Foundation, Agora,...

Today is International Fact-Checking Day

The International Fact-Checking Network, in partnership with fact-checking organizations around the world, today mark International Fact-Checking Day. "We believe that fact-checking shouldn't be something only professional fact-checkers do. An accurate information ecosystem requires everyone to do their part", said the International Fact-Checking Network. Also part of this network, is the Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis", who are actively involved in...

“Metamorphosis” Has Announced a Request for Applications for Small Grants within the Action SEE project

The Internet and society foundation “Metamorphosis” through the Action SЕЕ project has announced a Request for applications for providing support for civil society organizations for the promotion of good governance and the rule of the law, by approving 25 to 30 small grants for civil society organizations from Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. There will be...

School of Data website launched

The concept of open data is a generator of prosperity and democratization of the society, said UK Ambassador to Macedonia Charles Edmund Garrett at today’s promotion of the website School of Data - Macedonia. It offers constant support to civil society organizations, journalists and all citizens interested in the use of data as part of the "Network of Civil...