Tue, 11 February, 2025
Tags Метаморфозис

Tag: Метаморфозис

“Microsoft” and “Metamorphosis”: Free “Office 365” for NGOs

NGO sector for the first time has the opportunity to get free access to "Microsoft Office 365" on "Microsoft" day dedicated to the civil sector. Workshop and debate "Initiate changes with Microsoft Office 365 and cloud technology" organized by Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis" with the support of "Microsoft Macedonia". At the event, representatives of civil society were enabled...

E-society.mk: Internet is the freest media

Metamorphosis Foundation organized 10th anniversary international conference “E-society.mk” on topic “Human Rights on the Internet – Freedom of expression, hate speech and privacy in the digital world”. A handbook on privacy protection and responsible use of the Internet, as well as the mobile application “nemrazi.mk” for reporting hate speech on social networks and information about events related to the...