Tags Jens Stoltenberg
Tag: Jens Stoltenberg
The war or peace decision on Ukraine was not in the hands of NATO or America
The fact that Putin sent a request for NATO not to expand – which was rejected – and such a draft agreement was never signed by NATO, does not shift the military responsibility onto NATO. Stoltenberg, unlike the contents of the post, does not recognize the fact that NATO could have prevented the war provided it put an end...
NATO is not sending weapons directly to Ukraine, and it has already sent aid to Slovenia for the floods
Photo: nato.int
Unlike the claim in the post, NATO is not sending weapons directly to Ukraine. NATO member-states individually are sending weapons and aid, together with other countries that are not NATO members, and that is clearly stressed on NATO’s website by Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg. It is not true either that NATO has not sent aid to Slovenia after it...
Dezinformacije oko “izvinjavanja“ Zaeva Tačiju i Vučiću
Srpski portal Telegraf objavio je tekst u kojem se navode detalji razgovora makedonskog premijera Zorana Zaeva sa kosovskim predsednikom Hašimom Tačijem, a u vezi prevare telefonskim razgovorima koje je imao Zaev sa lažnim predsednikom Porošenkom i generalnim sekretarom NATO-a Jensom Stoltenbergom.
Portal pozivajući se na vest Tanjuga iz Prištine, de fakto prenosi izjavu Hašima Tačija u razgovoru sa tamošnjim novinarima,...
Pendarovski: I will insist on reforms of the security and intelligence services in accordance with NATO standards
As President of North Macedonia, bearing in mind my responsibilities for the security and intelligence services, I will insist on thorough reforms in accordance with the highest NATO standards, said President Stevo Pendarovski at a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
"As a country, we remain committed to contributing to the preservation of global peace and stability, the fight...
Stoltenberg: Skopje and Athens to ratify the Prespa Agreement by February 15
NATO urges the parliaments of Macedonia and Greece to fulfill all their obligations regarding the Prespa Agreement that resolves the name dispute. That was the main stipulation of the letter that the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reportedly sent to both Skopje and Athens, noting that the Alliance expects as fast as possible process.
"NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reportedly sent a...