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Tag: hubmk

The propaganda that Russia is fighting “Nazis in Ukraine” reemerges

The pro-Russian post aims to justify the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine. Presenting Ukraine as the land of the Nazis is a false propaganda platitude that Russian President Vladimir Putin used to justify the military invasion he started on the 24th of February 2022, completely unprovoked. The term “special military operation” is also a propagandistic phrase created by...

Regional landfill in Sveti Nikole: why should it be European, when it can be illegal

Sixteen non-standard municipal landfills and dozens of illegal dumps full of all sorts of waste, without a fence or protection, scattered almost near every inhabited area, in the rivers, beside agricultural plots, roads, or forests, is the truthful image of the Eastern and North-Eastern region of Macedonia, but also of the entire country. These two regions are the first...

“Ukrainians – Cannon Fodder” is Moscow’s disinformation about American aid for Ukraine

The passing of the bill on American aid for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel, first in the House of Representatives and then in the United States Senate, was the main motive for Moscow’s response to the old disinformation narratives. This event, Iran’s assault on Israel, including, undoubtedly, the elections in our country, contributed to the increase of disinformation distributed by...

No evidence supporting the claim that Zelenskyy bought a mansion from British King Charles III for 20 million dollars

EUvsDisinfo states that “no credible medium reported this unfounded claim, which was solely circulated by pro-Kremlin and social media accounts”. The only source for this disinformation narrative is, allegedly, a British media outlet, created a few days before the story was published, called London Crier, which was evaluated by members of the BBC Verify team — the verification team...

When medical students apologize – the impact of the anti-gender movement in the public sphere

In April 2024, the Macedonian Medical Student Association (MMSA) announced on Facebook that the Faculty of Medicine of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (UKIM) in Skopje will host a lecture titled “The Path of Transitioning.” According to the post, the lecture was supposed to cover various aspects of gender-affirming care and medical services. The two speakers at the...

“Donbas. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” – a documentary in the tradition of Kremlin’s best propaganda

Тhe Russian Embassy in North Macedonia recently shared the documentary Donbas. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (2021) on Facebook. The documentary uses a common manipulation technique - presenting the historical sequence of events in a way that confuses the audience as to who “started it” the conflict. The film highlights the fire in Odessa in which pro-Russian activists died on...

(INTERVIEW) Nikolovski: Russian Church Players in MOC-OA Imposed Fake Public Topics

Three months have passed since the public found out that Marjan Nikolovski, editor, journalist, and owner of the portal “Religija.mk” was summoned by the Ecclesiastical Court of Macedonian Orthodox Church – Archdiocese of Ohrid (MOC-OA) for his alleged dissemination of hatred among believers and the leadership – the Synod of MOC. The same amount of time has passed since he publicly...

Without the support of fact-checkers we give up defending democracy

P“It’s our responsibility and the duty of state institutions and all stakeholders to speak out when fact-checkers are threatened and do all we can to provide a safe daily working environment for them”, said the EU Ambassador, David Geer at the opening of the regional conference “Defending Democracy on the Balkans: Safeguarding Information Integrity in the Digital Era” by...

Disinformation significantly enhanced during election campaigns

“Democracy at Risk: Elections in the Age of Disinformation” was the title of the second session of the regional conference of the Anti-disinformation Network for the Balkans on the occasion of marking International Fact-Checking Day. Activists and journalists from the region shared experiences related to disinformation, with a special focus on the pre-election period. Vladimir Erceg from the Centre for...

Unbecoming Post Calls for Violence and Satanizes EU and NATO

This manipulative post is spreading the well-known insulting, indecent propaganda narrative satanizing NATO and the EU. Contrary to the claim made in the post, NATO is not connected with a religious army, but the Alliance enrolls troops regardless of their religious background. The values advocated by the EU have nothing to do with legalization of pedophilia. Quite the opposite,...

Russia’s Destructive Disinformation Igniting American Political Scene

Key witness in the impeachment investigation of President Joe Biden, regarding the alleged receipt of bribes from an Ukrainian company through his son Hunter Biden, initiated by a Republican politician from the US House of Representatives, apparently did not tell the truth when sharing confidential information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Not only that, but according to...

Russian Agents Cloaked in Mantles of the Macedonian Orthodox Church

Putin’s regime is using the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) for spreading influence in Orthodox countries. The ROC  is exerting enormous pressure on other churches and preventing the recognition of autocephaly status the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC). By means of intelligence actions, Russian priests are recruiting members of the clergy all over the local Balkan churches, writes Truthmeter.mk in the...

Russian propaganda spreads panic over alleged coup in Ukraine again

Disinformation is circulating in the region regarding Ukrainian special forces being dissatisfied with the Ukrainian Army’s new leadership and their subsequent preparation for a coup. As has previously been the case, the disinformation comes from the Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti. This time, the news agency is using an alleged voice message from a member of a secret...

(INTERVIEW) Maliukevičius: The Russian influence is trying to weaken us and make us look away from Ukraine

Initially, I thought that the goal of the Russian influence operations was to create a kind of sympathy for the Russian regime and Russian ideology. But their main target now is simply to create more chaos inside the neighboring countries in order to kind of make us look the other way into our internal problems and stop supporting Ukraine...

Yulia Navalnaya becomes target of disinformation following spouse’s death

Photo: Screenshot from a video Not one relevant source even hints that Yulia Navalnaya has found a “new lover” following her husband’s death. The photograph showing Yulia Navalnaya on a beach with a man is from 2021. Using a reverse image search, we discovered that the man in question was Evgeny Chichvarkin, a Russian millionaire living in exile in the...

Moscow doesn’t like the Prespa apples and it finds Ecuadorian bananas tastier than the Indian

If the pressure from Russia was not that obvious in the Macedonian case with the banned imports of apples from Prespa, the example of Ecuador was pretty straightforward. By skillfully manipulating the business sector, the pressure put on the Ecuadorian leadership hit success and it changed its mind on the US offer to exchange the old Soviet weaponry and...

Navalny’s death overshadowed Moscow’s disinformation on the military campaign in Ukraine

Despite this February marking the second anniversary since the start of Ukraine’s suffering at the hands of Russian aggression, which has resulted in thousands of casualties and never-ending destruction of everything significant for Ukraine and Ukrainians, Moscow’s disinformation campaign in regard to its military campaign continues to persistently spread throughout the world. Most recently, such disinformation was directly spread...

The World Health Organization is not killing children in Gaza

Phото: who.int It is not true that the World Health Organization is killing children in Gaza. On the contrary, WHO representatives are constantly delivering medical and non-medical aid to Gaza, where hospitals have been demolished and conditions for medical treatment are dreadful. WHO collects donations for Gaza and relentlessly calls for a ceasefire in the region. WHO has representatives on...

EU’s financial assistance for Ukraine does not mean that Europe is at war with Russia

The EU has never called for a war with Russia but has helped Ukraine to preserve its territorial integrity and democratic society. Europe condemns Russian aggression and appeals for it to stop. The claim that Macedonian citizens should prepare for mobilization is just arbitrary. So far, no one has announced any kind of mobilization. This speculation has been circulated...

Altered video of dancing Zelenskyy spreads on social networks in North Macedonia’s surroundings

Photo: Screenshot from the altered video Since the beginning of the year, a new deepfake video of Zelenskyy dancing in a red traditional costume has spread on social networks. The video of the President of Ukraine is shared on Facebook and TikTok. The video, however, is a fabricated clip from 2020, showing a Russian dancer on some kind of a...