Tags Hazardous waste

Tag: hazardous waste

Disinformation surrounding the project of the first regional landfill: Neither medical nor hazardous waste will be incinerated in Sveti Nikole

No type of waste will be burnt in the regional landfill in village Meckuevci in the Municipality Sveti Nikole. The facility, that should represent the first landfill fulfilling European standards in the country, will have just two installations for secondary selection of paper, plastic, glass, wood and metal, thereby treating and depositing municipal waste. The landfill in Sveti Nikole...

After Meta.mk’s article on the gypsum landfill near Zgropolci, the Environmental Inspectorate of North Macedonia did a field inspection

There are no warning signs, the landfill hasn't been fenced off, there is no people presence in the surroundings, but there is an access dirt road to the landfill, where goat and sheep droppings can be seen. Those are some of the findings in the proceedings of the field inspection conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate (DIZS) of North...

The carcinogenic hexavalent chromium from the Jegunovce dump beseting people’s health continiously

Since the start of operation of Jugohrom industrial complex, in 1955, at Jegunovce in the northwest of now North Macedonia, little attention was paid to the protection of the environment, especially to the resulting pollution of the underground and the surface waters in this part of the Polog Region. The residue from the chromite ore processing and the slag...

Three more tons of lindane found in OHIS, proper cleanup and destruction ordered

New quantities of lindane were found in one of the warehouses of the former chemical industry complex OHIS, at the outskirts of Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, by an unannounced inspection by the State Environmental Inspectorate. Three tons of lindane packed in industrial paper sacks were found on wooden pallets in the warehouse now owned by Hemiski Inzhenering...