Tags Crithical thinking

Tag: Crithical thinking

The disinformation and media manipulations can undermine the pluralistic societies

We have seen that disinformation, misinformation and manipulations in the media can exert heavy influence on people's lives. The COVID-19 infodemic lead to conspiracy theories that are creating mistrust toward institutions. Th disinformation, misinformation and the manipulations can undermine even the most important aspects of our pluralistic societies. What can be done against this without limiting the right to...

Will a new US TV series on the ‘Macedonian teens who helped elect Trump’ perpetuate a tired cliché?

The so-called “Macedonian teenagers” who set up networks of fake news sites in the lead-up to the 2016 United States election continue to turn a profit — not so much for themselves anymore, but for producers looking to capitalize on the exaggerated trope, Global voices reports. To recap: In 2016, a group of Macedonians from the city of Veles set...