Tags Anti disinfo

Tag: Anti disinfo

Νέο σκάνδαλο με υποκλοπές στη Μακεδονία

Και τα σκάνδαλα στη Μακεδονία δε λένε να σταματήσουν. Μετά την πρόσφατη φυγή του πρώην πρωθυπουργού Νίκολα Γκρούεβσκι στην Ουγγαρία, η οποία φυγή ακόμη δεν έχει αποσαφηνιστεί, το πλέον καινούριο σκάνδαλο είναι αυτό που το αποκάλυψε ο ίδιος ο Εισαγγελέας Λιούμπομιρ Γιόβεσκι – ότι τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια παρακολουθούνταν και ηχογραφούνταν τα σταθερά τηλέφωνα όλων των εισαγγελέων, κάτι για...

Нов скандал с подслушването в Македония

Дано да спрат скандалите в Македония. След непосредственото бягство на бившия премиер Никола Груевски в Унгария което все още не е изяснено, последния е този, който разкри самият прокурор Любомир Йовески - че през последните две години са следвали и снимали стационарни телефони на всички прокурори, за което веднага е образувано предиследствена процедура. Преди почти три години сегашния премиер, а...

Opposition MPs who voted for constitutional changes deny Lavrov’s claims

Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with the Greek daily newspaper "Ekathiremini", today announced that he blamed the United States an the EU for brutal systematic interference in the internal affairs of Macedonia. In that context, he said that "On October 19, "Parliament passed a resolution on constitutional changes by blackmailing and bribing MPs from the opposition in...

There is no “Pact against Serbia” even though Serbian tabloid “Alo” insists there is

Serbian tabloid "Alo", announcing the start of the Central European Initiative Summit in Zagreb, said that there will also be some discussions concerning the establishment of a pact which became the main topic in the Balkan media, following statements by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj for the Croatian newspaper "Vecernji List". This comes only one day after Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran...

„Pakta protiv Srbije“ nema, ali za srpski „Alo“ ima pa ima!

Srpski tabloid „Alo“, najavljujući početak samita Centralnoevropske inicijative u Zagrebu, pisao je da se na samitu u Zagrebu razgovaralo i o formiranju pakta, koji je postao glavna tema u balkanskim medijima, nakon izjava kosovskog vicepremijera Envera Hodžaja za hrvatske novine „Večernji list“. Ovo je samo jedan dan nakon što je makedonski premijer Zoran Zaev, pozvan od poslanika Ivana Stojiljkovića, kategorično demantovao...

Former Macedonian strongman’s escape to Hungary triggers a flood of disinformation

By publishing unconfirmed, unchecked and misleading information about former Macedonian prime minister Nikola Gruevski's flight to Hungary to avoid a 2-year prison sentence, many Balkan media outlets have helped create confusion and mistrust among the general public, writes "Global Voices", adding that the main source of the confusion was the re-publishing of articles back and forth between Macedonian, Hungarian,...

Russian news agency “Sputnik” calls country “N. Macedonia”

Russian news agency "Sputnik News", formerly known as "RIA Novosti" and "Voice of Russia", has already renamed the Republic of Macedonia to North Macedonia. Under the headline "Greece, N. Macedonia have "started talking" despite "identity conflict", the Russian agency that is part of the government's media consortium "Rossiya Segodnya", published an interview with Professor Neophytos Loizides from the University of Kent,...

Fake news about migrants are causing hatred in Serbia

The Commissariat for Refugees and Migration s in Serbia has issued a warning yesterday that fake news is spread on social networks about an alleged attack by a group of immigrants on a 17-year-old girl at the center of Belgrade. "This is not the first case of spreading fake news on social networks about migrants in Serbia. Social networks...

People of Veles who opened propaganda websites for Trump do not believe they influenced elections

The group of young people from Veles who were the owners of hundreds of websites that published propaganda in favour of the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, say that they do not believe their "portals" had any influence on the outcome of the presidential elections. Most of the propaganda websites do not exist...

International and influential “Buzzfeed” uses “Meta” News Agency as a source

Last year, the Macedonian city of Veles, which has a population of 45.000 people, witnessed a digital gold rush when citizens opened at least 140 websites which promoted propaganda for the Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, reported the American website “Buzzfeed”. In the article “Buzzfeed” quotes the text from “Meta” News Agency which was published last year in April, after...