
Stoltenberg: Gruevski’s asylum is not a NATO related issue and this should be discussed among both states


NATO’s General Secretary, Jens Stoltenberg has remarked that Nikola Gruevski’s asylum is not a NATO-related issue but something that should be solved between Skopje and Budapest.

-I’m not the one that should comment this. It’s an issue that should be discussed between Skopje and Budapest, said Stoltenberg at a press conference before the ministerial meeting of NATO’s North Atlantic Council with the countries contributors in the “Decisive Support” mission in Afghanistan, that was also attended by the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov.
Stoltenberg once again repeated his stance that the Alliance is ready to sign the accession protocol with Macedonia as soon as the Prespa Agreement is implemented and that the country should seize this opportunity.

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