
God of War - search results

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When it comes to intercity traffic, the taxi is used ten times more than the train

Instead of using trains and buses as it is the case in Europe, Macedonia is a rare example where the taxi transportation is slowly...

Potvrđenog leka još nema, a korona virus „ne ulazi u kuću sa patikama“

Hrvatski servis za proveru činjenica i borbu protiv dezinformacija analizirao je dve informacije povezane sa korona virusom koje su objavljene u medijima ili...

Gde je srpski “Kurir“ video “haos u Makedoniji”?  

Srpski portal “Kurir“ je 15.07.2019. godine objavio tekst sa prenaglašenim naslovom: “Haos u Makedoniji zbog Bokija 13: Jovanovski uhapšen zbog skandala sa 8.000.000 evra, a umešan je...

Nenad Shebek: It would be hilarious to hear that the Serbian government, the prime manipulator, fights disinformation!

Nenad Shebek is an international consultant for media and civil society. Previously he was director of the Belgrade office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation...

Through the tolls we pay for the loans, interests and commissions for the motorways (video + infographic)

Despite the fact that the Macedonians have the lowest salaries in Europe, they still pay very expensive tolls. The compensation for one kilometer by...

The first 22 million euros of the Chinese loan for the motorways should be paid in July

The Chinese Exim Bank in July will request the payment of the first installment of 22 million dollars of the loan for the construction...

Continue on your journey for the country to be a beacon of peace, says Pope Francis

I encourage you to continue on your journey in order for your country to represent a beacon of peace, acceptance and the fruitful integration...

Helsinki Committee has pressed charges against the Head of the Islamic Religious Community for spreading hate speech

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights has pressed charges against the Head of the Islamic Religious Community, Suleiman Rexepi, at the Ministry of Interior...

The rise and fall of the railroad – train travel in the last three decades has decreased by 12...

The expressions of immense happiness when we await someone close, the goodbyes said through tears with those that are traveling far away, sending people...

Top 5 cases of disinformation about the Prespa Agreement

On 17.06.2018, in the village of Nivici (Psarades) on the Greek coast of Prespa Lake, the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikolaos...

TOP 5 greatest manipulations in 2018 regarding Macedonian membership in NATO

  The aspirations of Republic of Macedonia for NATO membership are an effort and top strategic priority since the country independence.  They are a constant...

Top-5 dezinformacija o bekstvu Gruevskog

  Iz cele lepeze dezinformacija, koje su se pojavile o bekstvu Gruevskog 11. novembra, sledećih pet izdvajamo kao najveće, odnosno najflagrantnije u svojoj neistini, posebno...

Κορυφαίες 5 παραπληροφορίες για τη φυγή του Γκρούεβσκι

  Απ΄όλη την παλέτα των παραπληροφοριών, οι οποίες διαδώθηκαν για τη φυγή του Γκρούεβσκι στις 11 Νοεμβρίου, τις παρακάτω πέντε τις ξεχωρίσαμε ως τις μεγαλύτερες,...

Топ-5 дезинфoрмации за бягството на Груевски

От цялата палета на дезинформации които се появиха за бягството на Груевски на 11 ноември се откояват следните пет поради като най-големи или в...

Top 5 cases of disinformation on the escape of Gruevski

From the entire range of disinformation about the escape of Gruevski on November 11, we have chosen the following five as the biggest i.e....

The Government will dismiss Jason Miko from the position of honorary consul

On the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government is expected to dismiss Jason Miko from the position of Honorary Consul of...

MOC’s Synod demands the preservation of the unitary form of the country and a census

The Holy Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric (MOC-OA) has expressed great concern regarding the current situation of Macedonian society and calls for mutual respect,...

80.000 extra ballots printed for test purposes

Printing house "Kiro Dandaro" who are officially printing the ballots for the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 11, on Saturday afternoon, printed 80,000 extra...

Macedonians from Veles open propaganda web-portals to work in favour for Donald Trump

At least six websites, which are prone to reporting news with a propaganda intent in favour of the USA Republican Party Presidential candidate Donald...

Gruevski: Apart from a cold and my sinuses, I’m very well, thank-you for asking

The Prime Minister, in an interview with the portal "Press 24," answered the question how the he felt personally. "24 Press": Prime Minister, a few...