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Serbia fourth largest exporter of brooms in the world

Serbia is the fourth largest exporter of brushes and brooms in the world after China, Sri Lanka and Mexico. According to statistics, in the last...

We fight corruption only with debates and forums

The website of the State Anti-Corruption Commission holds more information about debates, forums and public events rather than information about procedures initiated by the...

Ademi writes to Rector: This is how the state exam would look like

META came across a document sent by the Ministry of Education and Science and signed by the Minister Abdilakim Ademi to the rector of...

There is no assessment, but the Coat of Arms will be cheap

Authorities haven’t made analysis on how much would the announced change of the Coat of Arms cost the citizens, i.e. how much money from...

DPA: Government should withdraw the proposal for the new Coat of Arms

The proposal to change the Coat of Arms is fully a symbol of one ethnicity, accused DPA today. - The imposition of such a symbol...

Samaras proposed Dimas to succeed Papoulias

Stavros Dimas is the candidate of the governing coalition to succeed President Karolos Papoulias. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has just announced that the...

“Student’s Plenum”: Come to the march without party and national symbols

Tomorrow at 12 am, in front of plateau University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “, starts the second student march against the Government’s proposal to...

Results for state in vitro waited even after 13 months!

Women who undergo artificial insemination, which is covered by the Health Insurance Fund, complain that they experience many difficulties as they are trying to...

Gruevski: Modern woman must be successful in career and family

The modern woman has more challenges, she struggles in every field, professional and private, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in his speech at the...

BKKS President accuses: Government intimidates Bulgarians in Macedonia

Bulgarians in Macedonia are not free citizen, says the president of the Bulgarian Cultural Club – Skopje, Lazar Mladenov, in an interview for the...

Bulgarian “Telegraph” accuses: Macedonia steals our Coat of Arms

Bulgarian daily “Telegraph” accused that Macedonia is stealing the Bulgarian Coat of Arms. “The Government in Skopje adopted a new Coat of Arms that is...

Dachik: EU doesn’t request Serbia to recognize Kosovo

European Union hasn’t officially requested Serbia to recognize Kosovo, stated Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dachik. - Serbia hasn’t changed its stance on recognizing Kosovo, nor...

Government adopts proposal for a new Coat of Arms

Red angry lion on a gold - yellow shield, and mural crown in the form of a fortress at the top, is the proposal...

Poll: Decisions should be made by professionals, not politicians

In the democracy, making decisions should be left to the professionals and intellectuals, not just to politicians, think 87 percent of Macedonian citizens, while...

New controversial book in Bulgaria

New book by Temelko Neshkov was promoted on the Bulgarian market, in which, as reported by the Sofia news agency “”, “the suffering of...

Samaras angry with London: Greek history cannot be shared or borrowed!

Greece is angry with the decision of the British Museum to borrow part of Parthenon Marbles to Russia. After the news caused numerous reactions...

Fire in “Jan Amos Komenski” caused by forgotten heater

Fire broke in a workshop in the basement of elementary school “Jan Amos Komenski” in Skopje this morning. The commander of the Skopje Fire Brigade,...

Emigration to Belgium to cost 225 euros

Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, nationalist Theo Francken, clarified the plans of his Government to charge the right of residence of...

Macedonian tattoos: Cross and “Freedom or death” ahead of Gruevski and Mijalkov

Tattooing political symbols, portraits of politicians or logos of political parties is a trend in the Balkan countries. In our country, these tattoos are...

Explosion in mine Dobrevo, two miners injured

  This morning at around 7:15 am, two miners were brought in Shtip Clinical Hospital with injuries from an explosion that occurred while they were...