North Macedonia with record number of single-day COVID-19 infections – 445 newly registered cases

Клиника за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби - Скопје | Фото: Арбнора Мехмети, Мета.мк

North Macedonia registered yesterday a record number of single-day coronavirus infections. The Health Ministry announced yesterday evening the Public Health Institute’s results of new COVID-19 infections. According to them, in the past 24 hours (Tuesday – Wednesday evening), 2 441 tests were conducted and 445 new cases were registered.

The Institute has registered 194 recovered patients and 9 patients have died in a hospital.

The total number of COVID-19 diagnosed in North Macedonia since the start of the epidemic is 21 636 and the number of patients who recovered is 16.591 while 809 people have died from the disease. At the moment, the number of active cases is 4.236. The Skopje is still ranking at the top of the list with 8.872 diagnosed cases out of which 1.969 are active.