At today’s session, the Government established a draft decision on the adoption of the annual program for work of the Macedonian Radio Television (MRT) for 2018 and a draft decision on the approval for the 2018 financial plan for MRT.
“This decision is accompanied with the Government’s opinion stating that the untimely placement of the annual program for MRT’s work was not published in accordance with the law, prevented the provision of the public influence on the overall operation of the public service, and that MRT violated their own professional principles for comprehensive information of the public with the termination of the direct transmission from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on 27 April”, reads the statement.
The founder of MRT is the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, before which the national public service submits the annual program and the financial plan, as well as before it responds.
The Government today discussed about MRT on the requested opinion of the Assembly.
Just as the Constitutional Court in certain cases request an opinion from the Government, so does the Assembly. Today’s debate was requested by the Assembly, which adopts the annual program and the financial plan of MRT- The Government’s spokesman, Mile Bosnjakovski, stated for “Meta”.
The text is made within the framework of the project “Media Reform Observatory”, implemented by the Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis, “Agora” Center for Promoting Civil Values and the Platform for Investigative Journalism and Analyzes – PINA, with the financial support of the “Foundation Open” Society – Macedonia “. The content of the text is the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the “Open Society Foundation – Macedonia”.