
In this country there are serious violations of human rights, say young attorneys


In this country, there are serious violations of basic human freedoms and rights. The discrimination is present and evident towards the member of the Roma ethnic community, LGBT community, the political opponents and the women. The people that are left without freedom are dealing with inhumane conditions in the prisons and other institutions – as was stated in the announcement by the Macedonian association of young attorneys regarding the mark of the International day of human rights (10th of December).

The announcement further states that most of the institutions that in accordance with the Constitution are obliged to protect human rights, with the exception of the ombudsman, have failed and additionally have worsened the condition with the human rights.

-The problems related to the independence and objectivity of the judiciary had a negative influence over the protection of human rights on part of the regular courts. On the other hand, the Constitutional court of RM, which is also authorized to protect human rights, has done that with a completely formalized manner and with restrictiveness in the procedures, because of which during the 25 years of independence only in one case it stated a violation of human rights – as was further stated in the announcement.

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