Germany’s Habeck: AI will shape the world of the future

The technology could make many things easier and more efficient, "from climate protection to weather data and early warning systems, from disease detection to therapy systems," Habeck said


Artificial intelligence (AI) represents primarily a major opportunity for the world, even as it presents risks and challenges, German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Thursday, writes German news agency DPA.

His comments came after he arrived in the United Kingdom for a global AI Safety Summit at Milton Keynes, some 80 kilometres north-west of London.

The technology could make many things easier and more efficient, “from climate protection to weather data and early warning systems, from disease detection to therapy systems,” Habeck said.

Of course, he said, risks of the technology being misused also exist. That’s why the European Union wants to regulate its use, he said.

However, Habeck stressed that the aim of EU regulation is not to restrict the technology itself.

Discussion at the summit, which will be attended by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, US Vice President Kamala Harris and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, will be about creating a level playing field internationally for the use and development of the technology.

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