
SPO: We are ready to hand over the cases to the Public Prosecution


SPO informs that it is prepared to hand over all cases under their jurisdiction to the Public Prosecution.

“We notify the general public that we received a notification from the Public Prosecution where it is stated that in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 5 of the Law on Public Prosecution for crimes that are related or have come out of the content of the illegal wiretapping it is necessary for this prosecution to take over the actions for taking over the cases and transfer them at the Public Prosecution. Acting upon this notification, we have sent the Public Prosecution a notification that the Public Prosecution for crimes related or have come out of the content of the illegal wiretapping is ready to hand over the cases with all of the documents and the evidence. For all remaining details regarding the handing over the cases we shall inform you additionally” informed SPO on their website.

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