AJM and SSNM insists that political parties accept Vanhoutte’s proposals


Tomorrow political parties will continue with negotiations for reforms within the media, so that is why we called on the EU and US to insist that the negotiators accept the proposal of the Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhouttte, said Naser Selmani, the Chairman of the Association of Journalists. at a press conference
According to him, these proposal are the best solution because it implements the best European practices supplemented by the experiences of Macedonian journalists.
“We call on all political parties to demonstrate political maturity and accept the proposals of Mr Vanhoutte’s reforms within the media. With this law, MTV will become a service for the people and it will put a stop to Governments corrupting the media. This is the only way to ensure fair and democratic elections”, Selmani said.
Vanhoutte’s proposal is acceptable for the Independent Union of Journalists and media workers. Tamara Causidis, President of SSNM said that these are key moments for the future of Macedonia and the profession of journalism.