
VMRO-DPMNE: Re-negotiating the Ohrid Framework Agreement means opening Pandora’s box


The re-negotiation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, that is urged by the new platform of the new Albanian parties means opening of Pandora’s box because o which VMRO-DPMNE in its talks with DUI refused to negotiate about the platform, as was stressed during the meeting of VMRO-DPMNE’s leader, Nikola Gruevski and the ambassador of Turkey, Erkal Kara.

As was stressed by VMRO-DPMNE after the meeting, the very platform by the Albanian parties i.e. the request for bilingualism on the whole territory of the country was the reason for the failure of the negotiations with DUI for forming a new government, and not the Special Public Prosecution, as was announced by Ali Ahmeti’s party.

The party would repeat the stance that new early parliamentary elections are necessary, and when asked by the ambassador whether they would provide appropriate results for overcoming of the current condition, Gruevski had stressed out that they are looking at them as a “chance for the country.” In contrast, “the alternative is a continuous crisis.”

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