Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva and her team will work on 34 cases which are all connected from the content of the illegal wire-tapping, Janeva’s cabinet announced this afternoon.
Among the cases which the Special Prosecutor assessed are in her jurisdiction is the case, “Putsch”, which is the court procedure in which one of the accused is the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev.
Since Janeva received the cases from the Public Prosecutor and the Public Prosecution for Organized Crime and Corruption, only two cases were returned to the Public Prosecutor.
“Decisions on jurisdiction have been made for all cases which were submitted to this Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Prosecution and the Public Prosecution for organized crime and corruption. As regards to the type of decisions which were made, we inform you that we have established jurisdiction over 34 cases, including the matter known to the public as “Putsch”. On the subjects of the Public Prosecution Skopje RO.br.2362 / 15 and RO.br501 / 15 effective jurisdiction was not established and the cases were returned in the proper conduct to the Public Prosecutor”, reads the statement from the Special Prosecutor.
They added that further established that from the cases submitted two which are related to election irregularities for which the Special Prosecutor is in charge now of 16 cases.
“What is also important is that at some point today we would like the leader of the political party SDSM to submit sall illegally monitored communications, we hope they will show willingness to submit to our request” , according to the Cabinet of Janeva.
The Special Prosecutor’s Office and informed that the defense in the case “Rover”, in which one of the defendants is former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski, supplied certain materials, which are still under consideration and analysis.
Today, as informed by the cabinet of Ms Janeva, they had received requests from lawyers handling cases “Divo Naselje” and “Spjun”.
“In dealing with all these cases we will announce more when we know more,” said the Special Prosecutor.