Tags Negotiations

Tag: negotiations

Zaev to continue with “bombs” from Monday

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev will continue to publish the "bombs" from Monday, reports "Kirilica". In the interview which will soon be published at the portal, Zaev reveals that he won’t stop publishing recordings even during the negotiations which should continue on Wednesday in Brussels. However, the recordings that will be published will be carefully selected so as not to jeopardize...

After the new “bomb” of Zaev: Are negotiations and agreement for elections in April still valid?

At 2:40 pm today, in front of the seat of the party, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev gave a statement that he won’t participate at the meeting which is to be held on 10th of June in Brussels. The new "bomb" Zaev echoed as strongly as the previous intercepted conversations and was prompted by a statement by EU Commissioner Hahn, given...

All declared victory in the negotiations, the campaign begins!

After the eight-hour talks between political leaders and the European Commissioner for Enlargement, it is not entirely clear what has actually been agreed. In such a vacuum, both sides rushed to declare "victory". Media close to the political structures began to analyze the statement of EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, also adding new elements, allegedly, from "their close sources". The media that...

If transitional government is not arranged by 10th of June, there will be no early elections

If transitional government is not arranged by 10th of June, the agreement for elections in April is canceled, reports "Nova TV". After the long and tense meeting between the leaders of SDSM, VMRO-DPMNE, DUI and DPA with Commissioner Johannes Hahn and US Ambassador Jess Bailey, who joined them later, it was announced that early parliamentary elections in April next year...

No specific agreement at the marathon meeting between Gruevski and Zaev in Strasbourg

The round of talks at the highest level between VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev with three MEPs and EU Commissioner for accession negotiations Johannes Hahn in Strasbourg has ended. The statement of the MEPs reads that the efforts of the two party leaders to work on a common agreement in the interest of the citizens and...

Negotiations in Brussels are not canceled, but don’t continue

For two weeks now, there is no information or announcement for a third meeting for negotiations between SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE held in Brussels. Although the second and last meeting, it was announced in a brief statement that a third round of negotiations will be held, there is no information about a new date for negotiations for almost three weeks. Radmila Shekerinska,...

Government interrupts meetings with high school students, no agreement, the boycott continues

"High school plenum" and the Government didn’t reach an agreement even after the third meeting. The government says it is willing to restore the old concept of graduation and mathematics not to be a compulsory subject, but they won’t make concession to the external testing. High school students say they do not agree with this outcome and will not...

New round of negotiations between SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE in Brussels

Negotiations between representatives of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE to resolve the political crisis in Macedonia continue today in Brussels. Mediators involved in the dialogue are former and new rapporteur for Macedonia at the European Parliament, Richard Howitt and Ivo Vajgl, as well as Slovak MEP Edward Kukan. The first meeting was held in Brussels two weeks ago. On behalf of the opposition negotiated...

VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM again in Brussels on Wednesday

The negotiating teams of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE on Wednesday, will for the second time meet in the European Parliament with the mediation the three MEPs Vajgl - Kukan - Howitt, learns television "Telma". Tactics and negotiation strategies are held secret from both parties, as well as at the first meeting, on which the only outcome was the mood of both...

DUI: No solution for Macedonia is sustainable without Albanians

DUI president Ali Ahmeti, today, at the US Embassy, met with US Ambassador Jess Bailey. Ahmeti and Bailey discussed the current political situation in the country, the thematic congress of DUI, Euro-Atlantic integration of the country, as well as the need to resolve the name issue, announced DUI. At the meeting, Ahmeti said that DUI should become part of the...

SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE: They only agreed to continue negotiating

Representatives of VMRO DPMNE and SDSM in Brussels today had a meeting with MEPs Ivo Vajgl, Richard Howitt and Edward Kukan. After the meeting was issued a statement which only reads that all participants agreed that discussions should continue. In addition, no information regarding the content of the talks leaked. Representatives of SDSM met MEPs an hour early, then the meeting of...

After six years, Macedonia can lose the recommendation for negotiations

In a telephone interview for television "Telma", Rapporteur for Macedonia in the European Parliament Ivo Vajgl said that Macedonia could lose the recommendation to start negotiations with the European Union if it does not resolve the political crisis. He warns that the Union is more and more skeptical about democratic capacities of Macedonia and it is possible the country to...

Contacts with the pages for crisis assistance are ongoing

Activities and contacts between Macedonia - European Union, in order to resolve the political crisis that has boiled further after the announcement of the scandal "Tapping", are ongoing, confirmed Stevo Pendarovski, who is part of the opposition. - I cannot comment on details. I know that there are contacts between the political parties that are relevant in Macedonia and the...

New peace plan for Ukraine is being prepared

French and German diplomats are actively preparing summit in Minsk with the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, hoping to end the bloody conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Diplomats from France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia today in Berlin are working on a peace plan, which is presented as the last chance for Ukraine before the summit in Minsk on Wednesday. Preparations for the...

European Trade Union: Strike yes, but also parallel negotiations

System of evaluation of teachers based on penalties will never create loyal representatives and will a way to circumvent it will be always sought for. Such a system is not objective and there is a possibility for subjective evaluation of teachers, said Martin Romer, president of the European Trade Union of Education regarding the general strike of SONK. Today, he...