Tags False news

Tag: false news

Analysis: Fake news and forced affairs and scandals on the rise in the pre-election period

With the presidential elections in the Republic of North Macedonia fast approaching, the election campaign intensifies, as the scope of the disinformation promulgated in the public, formed into the so called “fake news”, increases. The term “fake news” is widely used nowadays, mostly to delegitimize news that is completely accurate, but disliked by the person classifying them as fake. Here,...

Top 5 cases of disinformation on the Referendum of September 30

Since the announcement of the referendum until it was held there was a lot of information in the public on its type, who will support it, who will boycott it, whether the census will be reduced and so on. Many fake news and disinformation were present in the social networks and the media, writes “CriThink”. On September 30, a Referendum...

Tomorrow “E-Society” conference: Fact checking and new technologies in journalism

Tomorrow, the 12th International Conference "E-Society.mk" will be held on "Fact checking and the impact of new technologies in journalism", organized by the Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis". The conference will be held at the "Holiday Inn" hotel in Skopje and is organized under the USAID's Strengthening Media in Macedonia component "Media Fact Checking Service", implemented by "Metamorphosis". Guest speakers...