Tue, 11 February, 2025
Tags Children

Tag: children

Measles epidemic to last until the summer

Every day, the Clinic for Infectious Diseases reports an average of 7 to 10 people infected with the measles; this tempo indicates that the epidemic will last until the summer, say the Ministry of Health. For the measles epidemic to be declared over, there should be no reports of the disease twice within 12 days. There were seven new cases reported at the...

Just 5% of school children not vaccinated with MMR

There was no vaccination on the first day in the second term because according to the data only 5% of school children have not been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, which is not a large percentage, the Ministry of Health told "Meta". "The Committee on Infectious Diseases at the last meeting decided not to prolong the winter school vacation, because the number of the pupils...

Seven new symptomatic cases of measles reported

Seven new symptomatic cases of measles infection were reported today at the Public Health Institute. Primarius dr. Gordana Kuzmanovska, an epidemiologist at the Institute, stressed that these aren't yet registered cases, but that the laboratory analysis will follow and then there will be a confirmation or not. -All of the cases were received from the Infective clinique. They are awaiting...

Fines up to €4,000 for kindergartens if inspectors ‘catch’ an unvaccinated child

From today, state health inspectors and environmental health officers will continue to monitor kindergartens, after a temporary ban on the admission of children who haven't been vaccinated with the MRI vaccine, Irina Bukhova, the director of the inspectorate, told "Meta". “Our inspectors have been in the field since the ban began. From all the kindergartens that were checked so far...

Muižnieks: Society is deeply divided along ethnic and linguistic lines

Macedonian society remains deeply divided along ethnic and linguistic lines and it is high time for political leaders to devise an integration strategy to overcome these divisions. This was one of the conclusions of Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks after a five-day visit to the country. He told the Macedonian authorities "to implement policies that will promote integration and understanding...

MON will inspect whether there is religious organization and action in schools

The principle of secularism should be respected in schools, and in order to clear any doubts about the violation of the legal units in the field of education, the Ministry of Education and Science will tomorrow request the State Education Inspectorate to examine all the incidents for eventual religious organization and action with in the schools, stated the Ministry...

Shilegov: The children from the Christmas parades were not abused for religious purposes

The Mayor of the City of Skopje believes that the children who took part in yesterday’s Christmas Eve parade, were not used or abused for religious or political purposes. According to him, the mayors of the municipalities and the City of Skopje met all requests of the citizens, for providing bus transport for the children. "The initiative came from the parents...

Activists are calling out to the parents to boycott the classes due to the enormous pollution

The activists fighting for clean air and a healthy environment have called out the parents to boycott the classes on the 20th of December (Wednesday) due to the enormous pollution. On the "Boycott the Classes'" Facebook page they state that none of the protests have ever contributed to solving the problem with the solution and therefore the ways of...

The Government has agreed to call upon an additional coordination for the Law for languages

During its 18th session, the Government, despite the problems with forest fires and the dumping ground in Struga, had a discussion about the Law for languages, redundant workers, the as well as several laws concerning social issues, said the government's press service. There was a debate about passing a draft-Law for the use of languages and it was agreed upon...

Zaev: We are doing everything to end the crisis peacefully

In the interest of stability of the country and the citizens, a new government is needed urgently as a way out of the political crisis, which is being pushed by Nikola Gruevski and the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE, said SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev, in today’s edition of Serbia’s daily newspaper “Danas”. “SDSM has always been and will always be a party...

Two children have passed away this week announces IPH

During this week there were two death cases "associated with the flu" announced today the Institute of Public Health of Republic of Macedonia, who presented a report about the condition of the flu during the period between 1st and 8th of January. According to the report, two children, ages 3 and 4 from Kichevo and Gostivar were hospitalized at the...

It is too early to say whether the flu and the cold will prolong the winter holidays

It is still too early to be thinking whether the winter holidays for pupils will be prolonged because of the situation with the flu, as was said unofficially by the Ministry of education and science (MES). An official reply on “Meta’s” question whether the flu might be a reason for thinking of prolonging the winter holidays for the pupils...

In Gevgelija, twelve women migrants suffered miscarriages in one day

At the moment, nearby the train station in Gevgelija, crews are working on a resting area that can accommodate 160 people. The area will be intended for women, children and people who have become frail from the journey. The area will operate 24 hours and will be under constant police surveillance. There are going to be twelve shower cabins...

Third sad Easter in Smiljkovci

Nakjevski, Trichkovski, Slavkovski and Acevski - the families of the four boys killed near Smiljkovo Lake - today visited the place where their children were liquidated in the most brutal way, reports "24 News". Parents hope that the so-called bomb of Zaev, with whom they met recently, will reveal the whole truth about the case "Monster" and who ordered...

Tamara’s revenge: Crazy* projects got a new measurement

After META’s text that money for panoramic wheel, which will cost 15.5 million euros, can save 516 Tamaras, on the social networks, each cost of the government began to be calculated in money for sick people, homeless people, ambulances, dormitories. With a total of 19.2 million euros will be spent on the fence of the government, tablet computers for...

Are students the only ones who would benefit from the purchase of 300,000 tablets?

With the project "Computer for Every Child", primary and secondary school next year will get "tablet computers for every child," informed Deputy Minister of Education and Science Spiro Ristovski. "Computer for every child" went with a lot of controversy and doubts on the procurement of equipment, and to this day, it is not exactly known how much money the project...