One policeman and nine migrants were injured during the incidents at the border – The situation is now under control


After the incident where refugees in protest began to throw stones and broke through part of the wired fence on the Greek – Macedonian border, thousands of men, women and children have been sitting on the railway line this afternoon and continued their protest and demands that the Macedonian police let them through so they can continue their journey to Western Europe.
In the incidents, the police used tear gas in an attempt to calm the situation, wounding nine people, including three women, while 15 were immediately transferred to the tent where Doctors Without Borders are, complaining of breathing problems because of the tear gas.
The MOI told “Meta” that during the intervention a policeman was injured.
Macedonian police along with overseeing the peaceful protest of the refugees, are also working on repairing the fence, and reinforcements have arrived at the border from additional police forces.
All rail traffic from Greece to Macedonia has come to a complete standstill.

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