Nikolay Krstev: Bulgaria leads the anti-Bulgarian campaign in Macedonia


Nikolay Krstev, an experienced journalist, a former correspondent of the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) from Moscow and Belgrade, but also a renowned analyst and someone who is well acquainted with the situation in the Western Balkans for said that it is a problem when the inner politics in one country is becoming international. According to him, both political parties that bear the name VMRO in both countries are working against the EU and for the benefit of Beijing and Moscow.

“The decline of Bulgarian-Macedonian relations began when our country chose as a consul in Macedonia to be a local businessman, who is the equivalent of Delyan Peevski – Jordan Kamchev (ski). He has big businesses and is assisting the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE. Skopje refused that and I still cannot imagine why we chose a person that is causing so much pressure in our neighboring country,” said Nikolay Krstev.

“In the show “По острието с Калоян Константинов,” Krstev said that the only anti-Bulgarian campaign in Macedonia is led in the media controlled by VMRO-DPMNE and not by any “government” media, informs

“With our decisions to block the negotiation framework, probably they will start with an anti-Bulgarian campaign too. One of the VMRO parties needs votes before the elections in March, and the counterpart needs the votes in order to take down Zoran Zaev’s government,” explained Krstev about the continuous scandals that the Karakachanov-led VMRO is causing in Bulgaria.

Analyst and journalist Nikolay Krstev also considers that Bulgaria has the biggest interest in Western Balkans’ EU accession and actually it constantly blocks that process.

“This results in working for the benefit of Beijing and Moscow, and against Brussels and ourselves,” considers Krstev.

According to him, it poses a problem when the internal policy is turning into international.

“Since Serbia and Kosovo were able to reach an agreement to build a highway of peace and a railroad line, and 20 years ago were waging war, then why Skopje and Sofija wouldn’t be able to work things out? But if we are going to veto the negotiations, why should this only apply to Macedonia and not Serbia?” asks Krstev.

He considers that, for example, the end of the awful dispute about Goce Delchev could end with the building of the highway between Sofia and Skopje, which would be named after the tribune.

Krstev also said that Bulgaria is implementing a paternal policy towards Macedonia which resembles a lot the relations that Russia has towards Bulgaria. He considers that way the Good Neighborly Agreement is used, the only one which will benefit from this approach is VMRO-DPMNE. This renowned Bulgarian analyst also said that Bulgaria should abandon the manner of thinking that the country’s arguments are always righteous and understood by everyone.

“The Good Neighborly Agreement states that there is no Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. It says that we have a joint history. If one goes to the city of Skopje’s center holding this agreement and shows it to the people – no one will object. So why we are arguing? What do we want to achieve? To bring Nikola Gruevski back on power or we want to put Bulgaria’s fiercest opponent Mickovski in his place? Because in the end, this will happen. Bulgaria has to come out of the circle of evaluations that our arguments about North Macedonia are always righteous and that everyone understands us. We should be leading real politics,” stated Krstev.

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