EU’s donation of 12 ventilators and 5000 face masks have arrived in Macedonia


As part of the aid from the European Union in the amount of 4 million euros for urgent medical needs, 12 ventilator machines arrived today in Skopje, 5000 protective face masks N95, informed the Secretariat for European Affairs. The acquisition was made through the UNOPS agency in cooperation with the Secretariat for European Affairs.

-These 12 machines will strengthen the health system’s capacity to fight the epidemic and to help adequately treat the patients which is one of the main challenges in the fight against the epidemic. In these difficult circumstances and conditions for acquiring these ventilator machines, the acquisition and the delivery represents a great success – said Osmani, as he expressed his gratitude to EU’s representatives in Macedonia as well the administration that was managing the acquisition.

The ventilator machines that arrived in our country were produced in South Korea, and according to the signed contract, it remains for 8 other ventilator machines to be delivered. As part of the EU’s aid, medial and protective equipment are arriving in continuity in accordance with the determined priority list.

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