The EU Delegation in Skopje has sent invitations to the leaders’ of the main political parties for a leaders’meeting scheduled for Friday in Vienna, the EU delegation confirmed for “Meta”.
MEPs Richard Howitt, Eduard Kukan and Ivo Vajgl invited the four leaders all signatories of the Przhino Agreement on Friday to meet in Vienna. The meeting has been announced, and EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn, as well as ambassadors and Jess Bailey and Aivo Orav have also been invited.
Earlier the European Commission said it could not confirm exactly when the meeting would take place.
“Exactly when and where the meeting will be held is yet to be confirmed. Commissioner Hahn is ready to immediately meet with leaders. They must demonstrate willingness to return the country to the Euro-Atlantic path”, said Kocijancic.
She added that the European Commissioner is in constant contact with political leaders, MEPs, the EU Delegation in Skopje and the US to find a solution to the political crisis.