Emil Dimitriev: Macedonia will overcome itself to beat this political crisis


Interim Prime Minister, or as he is known here, PM for conducting elections, Emil Dimitriev, during the Easter liturgy in the church of “St. Nikola” in Stip, called for unification, spiritual relaxation for all Macedonians at home and abroad.

“I wish this holiday will bring all families more love and understanding to those who may have had misunderstandings in the past. Let reason and positive thought prevail in these difficult times in our country. This holiday came at the right time. I hope that after the celebrations and spiritual fulfillment of our souls, which we had in our churches and monasteries, Macedonia will overcome itself to beat this problem and this crisis and we shall sail into calmer waters”, said Dimitriev.

Hilarion of Bregalnica called for spiritual reunion, feast and wished everyone a happy Easter.