Brussels: A fence is not the ideal solution


The European Commission believes that building fences is not the solution to the problem of illegal border crossing.

“We have repeatedly explained how the EU helps the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. We have the data. It is not that we don’t give aid. We know that it is a difficult situation, but, as we said, we think the fences are not the ideal response to the  situation. What we need to do is to cooperate closely in dealing with this crisis”, said a spokesman at the European Commission, Margaritis Schinas, when asked about the Minister Nikola Poposki’s statement about the possibility of raising a fence on the border with Greece.

Mr Popovski in an interview with the Hungarian newspaper “Figel ‘said that Macedonia needed physical protection against illegal border crossing, and as a short-term solution to the problem he suggested building a fence or mobilizing soldiers to patrol the border, or a combination of both.

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