
Another shipment of 9,360 doses of Pfizer vaccines arrived in North Macedonia


Health Ministry of North Macedonia informed that yesterday a shipment of 9,360 doses of Pfizer vaccines arrived in Macedonia. Out of these quantities, 4,680 doses are a result of a direct agreement that our country has with this producer. According to the agreement, Pfizer will be delivering shipments each Monday of 5,000 to 7,000 doses of vaccines i.e. 26,000 doses planned to be delivered during the month of May.

The remaining 4,680 doses of Pfizer vaccines were received through trilateral agreements as part of the Team Europe program. Through this program for providing support in the procurement of vaccines for the Western Balkan, which is coordinated by Austria, during May, in our country, a shipment of 19, 890 doses of vaccines are expected to arrive. Yesterday’s shipment is second in a roll, and the aid for North Macedonia that is provided by the EU consists of 119,213 vaccines. In total, during May, the quantity of Pfizer dozes that will arrive in North Macedonia is 45,890 doses.

During the past Friday, a shipment of 38,400 AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in North Macedonia, while on Saturday North Macedonia received 100,000 vaccines of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine.

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