“Ajde” will stage an all night protest at the Constitutional Court


The civil platform for politics “Ajde” on Tuesday starting at 18:00 will organize a protest and a vigil for the Constitution, because, according to them, the constitutional judges on Wednesday, March 16th, plan to swiftly make the decision on the Amnesty Law for electoral fraud and other serious crimes.

“The vigil for the Constitution will begin as a protest march on March 15, Tuesday, at 18:00 in front of the government building. Citizens will head towards the National Office of the President, then to Parliament, and will eventually arrive at the Constitutional Court and will remain there overnight and until the scheduled session of the Constitutional Court. This way, we, the citizens, will show our determination and our uncompromising attitude and send our message to the following constitutional judges, Elena Gosheva, Nikola Ivanovski, Vladimir Stojanovski, Vangelina Markudova and Jovan Josifovski, that they must revoke the decision for amnesty and they must hand in their resignations. They are the “undertakers” of the Constitution and accomplices to the crime of electoral theft, because the causal link between their decision and Operation “Titanic” is more than obvious”, say “Ajde”.