Zaev congratulated Easter: Let us show courage to stand firmly on the side of truth


“This is a time when perhaps more than ever we are facing major challenges as citizens and as a country. Let us show courage and maturity and firmly and unwaveringly stand on the side of truth, justice, respect for diversity, on the side of human dignity that liberates the soul and provides a peaceful life,” reads the greeting of Zoran Zaev, SDSM leader, on the occasion of the upcoming holiday.

“I send sincere greetings in my name and on behalf of the Social Democratic Union to all citizens in Macedonia that honor the Christian celebration of Christ’s resurrection – Easter. Light of Christ resurrection is a symbol of the revelation of the truth – savior of the world and of man. Because, during holy holidays, more than usually, we are committed to the importance of spiritual values, I hope this year’s celebration of Easter will strengthen the faith and determination as individuals and as a community, to meet and nurture these holy universal duties. To all those that honor Easter, I wish happy holidays, good health and spiritual peace”, reads the greeting.