Tags СашеПолитико

Tag: СашеПолитико

Deputy Prime Minister Peshevski attacked Sashe Politico with kicks and fists

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Pesevski physically attacked journalist Sashe Ivanovski politiko while he asked the question "Do you fear the new special prosecutor because the Ministry of Interior is now in the opposition, that you will be arrested, because you can hear on the recordings that you have “... After this follows the physical reaction of Peshevski. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFjxrZFQhbw On both videos...

In the corridor of the leaders meeting: The Pope, Sashe and „ separation “ Ahmeti – Tachi

Whether due to threats by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, that he will not sit at the negotiating table of the third leaders meeting without all journalists being present or because of something else, Sashe Ivanovski - Politiko was present today at the new meeting in the Parliamentary Club. He had the "honor" to be the first to raise the question...