Tags Fondacija “Metamorfozis”
Tag: Fondacija “Metamorfozis”
Intelligence Agency: We Will be a Target for Disinformation related to Constitutional Amendments, Church Issue and Elections 2024
The fight against disinformation should not be seen as a threat to the freedom of expression or censorship, because it is not a matter of naively publishing news. On the contrary, disinformation campaigns are organized by the State and directed towards manipulating public opinion and pressuring decision-makers.
This is what, inter alia, the Director of the Intelligence Agency, Erold Musliu,...
Fight against Disinformation Demands Partnership between Institutions and Civil Society
Electronic disinformation is spreading and no-one is immune to that. They present a threat to society. The fight against disinformation demands partnership between the institutions and the civil society. This was stressed on today’s conference “Building Social Resilience to the Harmful Effects of Disinformation in the Republic of North Macedonia”, organized by the Presidential Centre for Political Education and...
Disinformation Will Not Disappear – Creators Must be Exposed
It is high time to turn the recommendations into actions and to know exactly which actors in society have a role in the fight against disinformation - to recognize who is the enemy, the creators of disinformation, and to understand the goal behind the propaganda he/she is spreading. The process will be challenging, but it can only be successful...
Filip Stojanovski: Various actors are trying to undermine democracy with disinformation
At this year's "DISICON - Information Integrity’s Role in Defending Democracy" conference, Filip Stojanovski, Metamorphosis Foundation's Partnership and Resource Development Director, spoke about the foreign interventions in the process of undermining democracy, but also about Metamorphosis Foundation's efforts in the fight against disinformation, writes Portalb.mk.
Stojanovski stressed that the integrity of the information and the integrity of the elections...
Stojanovski for Lokalno: Political and Media Circles Have Been Accustoming Macedonians for Years That Hate Speech Is Something “Normal”
Since the Russian-Ukrainian crisis started, a propaganda war started on social media in our country, full of hate speech and “cheering” for one of the warring parties. Certain political and media circles have for years been accustoming the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia that hate speech is something “normal” and that calls for violence are a “normal” part...
Metamorphosis Foundation’s debate: Media reforms must be continuous, not “stop and go” process
Metamorphosis Foundation organized a debate yesterday about the reforms in the media sector in North Macedonia, which took place after the presentation of the report "Halfway completed reforms – the political will is here one moment, and gone the next", on the media reforms' monitoring it performed.
At the debate, the reports' findings were confirmed, where a joint conclusion was...
Osnovana mreža za digitalna prava u Jugoistočnoj Evropi
Devetnaest organizacija iz jugoistočne Evrope udružilo je snage u novoosnovanu mrežu koja ima za cilj da unapredi zaštitu digitalnih prava i reši sve veće izazove koje donosi široka upotreba naprednih tehnologija u društvu.
Pokrenuta od strane Balkanske istraživačke mreže - BIRN i SHARE Fondacije, Mreža za digitalna prava u Jugoistočnoj Evropi prva je takve vrste fokusirana na digitalno okruženje i...
Metamorphosis Foundation: The biggest threat is the disinformation about the COVID-19 pandemics
The Metamorphosis Foundation celebrating 3 May, World Press Freedom Day, underlines that the COVID-19 pandemics which marked the days since the beginning of this years has pinpointed to the necessity of providing credible reporting and information and to the necessity of waging continuous war against the disinformation.
The World Press Freedom Day this year is being celebrated for the 27th...
Zaev predlaže plan zajedničke bitke protiv dezinformacija
Premijer Zoran Zaev, objavljujući predlog-plana borbe sa dezinformacijama i lažnim vestima, na današnjoj pres-konferenciji ukazao je da se dezinformacije o zemlji, pored dela domaćih medija, šire i od strane drugih država.
”Republika Severna Makedonija se u protekle dve godine u više navrata suočila sa masovnim širenjem dezinformacija, kako na socijalnim mrežama, tako i na tradicionalnim medijima. Deo dezinformacija je deljen...