The Appellation court returned the “Rover” case back for another trial

The Appellation Court in Skopje revoked for the second time the verdict by the First-instance Court in the “Rover” case. The case is going back to the court. The Primary Court Skopje 1 had received the decision from the Appellation court regarding the case, was the information that came from the Criminal court in Skopje.

“The Second-instance Court and the Primary Public Prosecutorship in Skopje had reviewed the objections by the defendants and their defense for the caused injuries and brought the decision that the findings are justified. Considering that the objection to the verdict contained deficiencies, it is not possible to attest to the final verdict’s validity in front of the Law.

The verdict was not thoroughly clear and the explanation was lacking concrete reasons for the decisive facts which the second-instance Court considers of significant influence in their determining of the concreteness of the criminal-legal event, related to the case’s criminal act and the criminal responsibility of the defendants,” says the announcement of the court.

This is the second time that the Appellation Court is annulled the First-instance court’s decision upon which the case has been returned for yet another hearing.

“Following through on the repeated process of the case that was revoked by decision of the Appellation court, the Second-instance court gave directions that the First-instance court was supposed to implement in the renewed process. However, the Appellation court says in its decision that in the case of another trial the court did not follow all directions, did not remove the cited injuries and did not confirm what were the decisive facts in the renewed trial,” say from the court.

In the “Rover” case, there are ten defendants, including the former minister of Interior Ljube Boshkovski. They are standing trial for the murder of Marjan Tusheevski and Kiro Janev in 2001.

In the first trial Boshkovski received a verdict for 12 years incarceration, which in the second trial, in November last year, were reconsidered to ten and a half years in jail. Of the other defendants, Zoran Trajkovski received eight and a half years, Ivica Ristik seven years and Nikola Negrievski five and a half years jail time.

The executioners of the murders, nationals of Serbia Predrag Cubrilo, Milan Ilik, Milorad Kovacevik, and Vuk Vukicevik, received life sentences. Their verdict was given in absentia because they are not available to the state’s organs.