Поранешниот руски радарски систем „Дуга“ претставен како мамутски ХААРП систем во САД

Truthmeter googled the photographs from the video and concluded that the footage showed ”Duga” – the Russian radar system over the horizon (OTH) used in the Soviet Union as part of the early warning radar network for missile defense


Truthmeter googled the photographs from the video and concluded that the footage showed ”Duga” – the Russian radar system over the horizon (OTH) used in the Soviet Union as part of the early warning radar network for missile defense, writes Truthmeter.mk.

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post on Facebook is sharing a video claiming to be presenting a mammoth HAARP system in the USA.

Mammoth HAARP system in AmericaUSA, states the post. 

Truthmeter googled the photographs from the video and concluded that the footage showed Duga – the Russian radar system over the horizon (OTH) used in the Soviet Union as part of the early warning radar network for missile defense. 

Photo: Screenshot

Aerial view of the remains of the former radar system Duga in an abandoned military base in the switch-off zone in Chornobyl, Ukraine | Photo: Colourbox

Videos from this former Russian radar system can be found here and on the social network TikTok. 

More details about this gigantic abandoned radar can be found here. 

HAARP, a program of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, managed by the U.S. Army in the period 1990-2014, is using high-frequency equipment to study the upper atmosphere. The conspiracy theories related to the program claim that governments use HAARP to secretly change the weather or to link the program with natural disasters. 

Rod Boys, HAARP spokesman, to Reuters, stated that “HAARP is a stand-alone facility located close to Gakona, Alaska”. 

Bearing in mind all of the above-noted facts, the conclusion is that the post fact-checked is untrue. 


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