The suspect for the latest in the series of bomb threats in Skopje released after questioning

Полиција пред средното училиште „Јосип Броз Тито“ во Скопје за време на антитерористичките проверки по анонимната дојава за бомба, 26.10.2022 | Фото: Мета.мк

Items were seized from the home of the suspect for the latest bomb threat for high schools in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) of North Macedonia told With a search warrant by a public prosecutor, a search of the home of the suspect was done, and the suspect, after a couple of hours of questioning in a police station, was released. MoI is working on unravelling the case.

“An official questioning was performed, in coordination with the public prosecutor’s office, a house search was conducted, items for forensic investigation were seized and measures were taken to clear the case,” the Ministry of Interior said.

After the checks by the anti-terrorism unit in the high schools in Skopje where, allegedly, bombs were hidden, police realizaed that the bomb threats were false.

The platform announced last night that the detained was Nikola Nikolovski, a member of this movement. It claims Nikolovski is innocent and has nothing to do with the false bomb threats in Skopje schools.

“Nikola is, before everything else, a socially responsible citizen, an activist of Konzervativ.mi, who is actively involved in the fight against disinformation and fake news, who proudly represented Macedonia at many events, competitions and conferences, including in the European Parliament,“ reads the statement by the political platform, adding that the real culprits behind this mayhem must bear full responsibility. is described as a movement that “unites civic activists whose primary commitments are democracy, free markets, healthy environment, and activists whose primary ideology is conservatism and classical liberalism as right or center-right orientations”.

MoI yesterday detained Nikolovski on suspicion of having links to the bomb threats in Skopje schools.

“First, about 14:30 SoI Skopje received an report from six schools, then about 15 hours, from another two schools and then from yet another school in Skopje. Immediately after the reports were receiveds, measures were taken by police officers for safe evacuation of all nine schools, and then detailed checks were carried out by the anti-terrorist teams and it was determined that these were false alerts“, the Ministry of Interior said.

The sender of the threat did not bypass the Nikola Karev High School either. The director Andrey Manolev said the students were disturbed and upset when they left the school building.

“The most important thing for us was to avoid a stampede in the whole situation, because panic can not bring us anything good. We have 560 students in one shift, that is not a little thing,“ Manolev told

Alarms of bombs placed in Skopje secondary schools were sent on four occasions in the last ten days. They were all false threats. News Agency got a copy of several of the messages, including the yesterday’s. What distinguishes the last email with the bomb threat is that it is signed with name and surname and phone number,

Meta news agency received a copy of the contents of the email that was sent yesterday to the schools in Skopje. In addition, in the message there is a translation into Macedonian of a joke that Putin told five days ago, during the last plenary session of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club , based in Moscow.

Asked by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, a former adviser to Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou and former member of the secretariat of the SYRIZA Central Committee, what is Putin’s message to the ordinary, average citizen of a Western country, the president of the Russian Federation, among other things, told the following joke:

In that context, I remember a joke I told my friends recently. A friend of mine who is from Germany told me this joke some time ago. There was this family, and the son asked the father, “Daddy, why is it so cold here?“. The father replied,”Because Russia invaded Ukraine”. The child asked, “What does this have to do with us?“. Father: “We have imposed sanctions on the Russians”. Son: “Why?“. The father: “To make them feel bad”. Son: “Then, are we Russians?“.

An almost identical conversation between a father and a son is in the email sent yesterday to the schools in Skopje. Only instead of “Why is it so cold in here?”, the son says, ” Why is living here so bad?“. The rest of the joke is the same.

The day before Putin told this joke in Moscow, false bomb threat emptied many high schools in Skopje. Students and staff were immediately evacuated, and the Ministry of Interior conducted anti-terrorism checks. The day after, new bomb threats were sent to nine schools in Skopje, and the mailers wrote that they were dreaming of revenge. On the 28th of October, Nikola Karev High School reported that they had received another email with threats for explosives in the school.

Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski recently said that the source of the false bomb threats most likely comes from abroad.